The primary purpose of the Friends of TAS is to reduce the intake of shelter animals through pet education and sterilization with an end goal of reducing the need of euthanasia due to pet overpopulation and lessening the burden of government.
Our objective is to increase the positive interaction between pet owners and the shelter to encourage sterilization of unaltered pets. Collaboration between rescue organizations and the shelter is key to finding homes for unclaimed adoptable pets.
Friends of Tulare Animal Services works directly with Tulare Animal Services located at 3817 South K Street, the facility houses the homeless animals from the city of Tulare. All residents are fed high-quality Diamond brand pet food and vaccinations are administered on intake. Vaccinations and microchips are available to the public at any time during business hours at a low cost.
If you're looking to be more involved in the behind the scenes action of Friends of Tulare Animal Services, you can contact us for information on our monthly Board Meetings.
View our Board Minutes